Thursday, March 5, 2020

Infographic How a clean office can boost productivity - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Infographic How a clean office can boost productivity - Introvert Whisperer Infographic: How a clean office can boost productivity We all have days where we go into work with the best of intentions at clocking another productive day, only to end up going home several hours later with a feeling of dissatisfaction at not being able to get done as much as you had planned. On the surface, this might seem like the result of laziness, but sometimes there are extenuating circumstances at play which can hamper our productivity. One such reason is the cleanliness of the workplace. If you’re coming into an office every day that’s heavily littered, looks gray and has a pungent odor coming from the canteen or garbage cans, you’ll automatically find it more difficult to get your best work done because these are all barriers to productivity. There might not be an obvious link between a litter-strewn desk and a failure to complete scheduled work, but psychologically a person will find it much harder to maximize their output if their eye is subconsciously drawn to piles of coffee cups or papers. The effects aren’t just psychological, either. If your office doesn’t have a well-maintained filing system and you’re squandering time every day on rummaging through piles of papers to look for just one document, you’re being taken away from your work. Accumulate that wasted time over a year, or even a month, and you’ll be shocked at how much time is being lost so needlessly. The loss of productivity over time could be equated to simply ringing in with a phony illness and not bothering to turn up for a few days, and no employer in the world would stand for that. Cleaning Services Group created an infographic which examines the connection between maintaining a clean, tidy workplace and optimizing your productivity without you hardly even realizing it.

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